We Help Smokers Become
Happy Non Smokers Using The Simply Easy Method
Welcome to the Simply Easy Method, a breakthrough method that helps you to re-condition your mind by breaking down all reasons and excuses that smokers use to smoke, giving you back your power as a Happy Non-Smoker.
No patches, gums, laser treatments, ongoing costs, replacement nicotine products,
pills, plant or herbal based products, no vaping, just naturally!
Since 2008 this method has helped many hundreds of
smokers become permanent Happy Non Smokers.
If YOU want to ‘break free’ from the smoking trap and get
your life back…you’re in the right place!
Requires No Willpower
Drug Free Method
Proven Method
Hundreds Of Success Stories
No Replacement Products
No Upsells
No Laser Treatments
No Nicotine Patches or Gums
Daily Support Emails
Daily Text Messages
Hypnotherapy Recording
Stop Smoking eBook (written by Mark Anthony)
Member Of Facbook Group
Take Back Your Life
Breathe Easier
Money Back Guarantee*
A Word From Mark Anthony
If you have arrived here because like thousands you want to Stop Smoking and you want to become a Happy Non-Smoker, Congratulations on taking the first step and Welcome to the ‘SIMPLY EASY METHOD’.
Mark Anthony has helped hundreds of people to stop smoking since he created the SIMPLY EASY METHOD in 2008. Whether this is your first time at becoming a Happy Non-Smoker, or you have tried just about every method under the sun and spent thousands on giving up smoking… There is no doubt that the SIMPLY EASY METHOD is for you.
It is backed by a Money Back Guarantee*, has proven to be successful for all types of smokers, and is one of the most affordable stop smoking methods available today.

Are You Ready To Start Your Happy Non Smoker Program
Our success stories come from ‘genuine’ ex-smokers who want to share their amazing accomplishments with you. Go ahead, and watch the FREE video, it could be you sharing your success story as a Happy Non-Smoker next!
*results may vary
Success Story - Irene Neira
11 years ago, I went to a Happy Non Smoker session run by Mark and have NEVER looked back! After years of trying patches, cold turkey and gum and failing miserably every time, there is no better solution out there than Mark and his Happy Non Smoker sessions! It really does work!
Success Story - Andrew Flanders
Hi Mark,
Firstly I would like to say THANK YOU, I have not felt so good in like forever! I have QUIT smoking for good!!! It was SO EASY to quit smoking as I have tried to quit before to no avail but now I can truly say, I AM A HAPPY JOYOUS NON SMOKER!!!!
Success Story - Steve Sparrow
Hi, my name is Steve Sparrow.n I attended your seminar on the 12th of March 2009, loved it! I was a 40-45 cig’s a day and after 21 years of smoking, thanks to you have not had one since!!! I thank you very very much. I recommend you to anyone i speak to regarding quitting smoking, FOR GOOD.Once again thank you very much.
Success Story - Penny Purser
Hello Mark,
it’s penny purser from brissy you helped me to stop smoking, we’ll just to let you know I am doing very well so far I have not had or have been near a smoke for nearly 4 months.so thankyou very much for helping me.
Success Story - Geoff (Gold Coast)
Hi Mark,
Coming up day 26, have not felt so good in as long as I can remember. Over 35 years of smoking and am so over it thanks to your help.Have been to numerous social events with smokers of all types of social smoking and am still clean. Will keep you informed of my “HAPPY JOYOUS NON SMOKER STATUS” (still a Happy Non Smoker – 10 years on)
Success Story - Jarrad (Gold Coast)
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the email, just wanted to let you know that I will not be attending another as both my girlfriend and myself haven’t had a smoke since we walked out the door of Southport Workers Club seminar. Thanks again, it was money well spent.
‘Living A Smoke Free Life Doesn’t Happen By Chance,
It Happens By Choice!’
What is smoking costing you financially, let alone physically and mentally!
Click on the calculator to find out how much you can save by becoming a Happy Non Smoker!
Why the Simply Easy Method
Simply… Because it has been developed by one of Australia’s leading hypnotists
Simply... Because it is now available ONLINE!
Simply… Because it is affordable
Simply… Because it is easy and
Simply… Because it works!
The Simply Easy Method breaks down all of the reasons that smokers use to smoke, then it helps re-condition the smokers mind to rid them of any desire to smoke, easily and naturally.

All Natural, No Harmful Nicotine Replacement Products
The Simply Easy Method is an ‘all natural’ method, there are no nicotine patches, gums, laser treatments, pills or any other replacement product.

Breaks Down Psychological Reasons And ExcusesThat Smokers Use To Smoke
The Simply Easy Method breaks down the psychological reasons and excuses that smokers use to carry on smoking, then helps the smoker re-condition their mind to that of a Happy Non Smoker.

It's As Easy As 123, ABC
The Simply Easy Method has been designed to work as simple as 123, ABC. So simply in fact, that Mark says his method is based on the K.I.S.S system, ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’.

Follow The Recipe
If you bake a cake by following the recipe fully, the cake will rise, the sponge will rise and you’ll have a perfect cake. If you don’t follow the recipe fully and leave out the eggs you will have a flat cake that doesn’t rise. The same is with the Simply Easy Method, follow the simple step-by-step recipe and you will be a Happy Non Smoker, smoke free for life, but if you don’t follow the recipe, you’ll be stuck in the smoking trap for life!
‘Living A Smoke Free Life Doesn’t Happen By Chance,
It Happens By Choice!’
Still not convinced that ‘you’ can Stop Smoking?
The GREAT NEWS, is that millions of people from around the world Stop Smoking every single year, which means if
they can do it, so can YOU!
Mark Anthony’s Simply Easy Method has helped many hundreds of smokers become ex-smokers, and now
Happy Non Smokers, and it can help you too!
There’s never a perfect time to Stop Smoking, however, now is the right time to Stop Smoking, so why wait!